Presentation of Theme 1 Portrait.
Here I have decided to present my photographs in a A3 format, I arranged these with photoshop .This was done by firstly creating a A3 sheets to work with . To do this go to File the within the drop down select New and select paper size as I have shown below.
The when you have your A3 sheet as seen below the next step is to drag your chosen picture down from the tool bar so that it is in it's own window the drop it onto the A3 sheet. Once this is done you will need resize and place in position if your have several pictures . To do this go to Edit then from drop down select Transform and then from a further drop down select Scale. This will now enable to to make your picture any size whilst still keeping it in scale and position where you feel is best.
As you can see I have also put a black frame around all my pictures so as not to confuse from one to another and then I have been through same procedure with every picture to arrange them to fit within the A3 scale.